
St. 约翰的 distinctive liberal arts curriculum 和 educational practices have long given it a highly respected place among American colleges 和 universities. Its strong commitment to collaborative inquiry 和 to the study of original texts makes St. 约翰的大学 a particularly vibrant community of learning. Through close engagement with the works of some of the world’s greatest writers 和 思想家从荷马, 柏拉图, 和 Euclid to Nietzsche, 爱因斯坦, 和 Woolf—undergraduate 和 graduate students at St. 约翰的大学 grapple with fundamental questions that confront us as human beings. As they participate in lively discussions 和 throw themselves into the activity of translating, 写作, 展示, conducting experiments, 和 analyzing 音乐的 compositions, St. 约翰的 students learn to speak articulately, 仔细地阅读, reason effectively, 和 think creatively.

The 学术项目

All classes at St. 约翰的大学 are small 和 students take active responsibility f或者是ir education, formulating questions 和 developing their thoughts in dialogue with one another. 圣?. 约翰的大学 share the college’s dedication to an education that privileges intellectual engagement over rigid expertise; they regard themselves as guides 和 mentors whose task is not to transmit information, but to pose questions that further students’ ability to develop as 思想家 in their own right. Every student’s contribution receives serious consideration as classes delve into discussions of foundational works of philosophy, 文学, 历史, 神学, 政治, 经济学, 心理学, 音乐, 数学, 和 laboratory 科学s. (看到更多 about the subjects studied at St. 约翰的大学.)

By immersing themselves in these investigations, by examining their own ideas in conversation with faculty 和 fellow students, 和 by exploring their insights in their own written work, students acquire formidable skills 和 cultivate enduring habits of critical analysis 和 thinking. They learn to take themselves 和 others seriously as reasoning 和 feeling beings, to work together as collaborators 和 colleagues, 和 to lead fruitful lives of independent reflection 和 shared activity. 除了 to the undergraduate program, St. 约翰的 students may earn master of arts degrees through the Graduate Institute.

Location: Twice the Choice

St. 约翰的 has two spectacular campuses—one in 安纳波利斯, Maryl和, 和 one in 圣达菲, New Mexico. Students enrolled at either campus can transfer to the other 和 many students choose to spend a year at the other campus. Both campuses are situated in historic state capitals: 圣达菲 hugs the slopes of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in northern New Mexico, while 安纳波利斯 lies on the shores of College Creek, a tributary of 切萨皮克 Bay in Maryl和. The two campuses share the same interdisciplinary academic program, while offering a broad range of opportunities 和 experiences.

Dedicated, Accessible Faculty

St. 约翰的大学 faculty are dedicated to teaching 和 are readily available to students. All classes are small (typically 13 to 19 students), ensuring that every student has a voice. While it can vary, the overall faculty-student ratio is 1 to 7. 论文的会议, informal study groups, the “Take a Tutor to Lunch” program, 和 a wide variety of extracurricular activities provide any number of occasions for students to interact with faculty members.

An Active Extracurricular Life

St. 约翰的大学 students pursue all manner of activities outside the classroom. The college has a lively theatrical tradition, a host of 音乐的 groups ranging from madrigal singers to lunch-time jam sessions, art 和 photography clubs, language study groups, 和 an energetic intramural sports program. 在安纳波利斯, the sailing 和 rowing teams compete in a number of regattas each year; other intercollegiate offerings in 安纳波利斯 include the fencing team 和 croquet club, which competes locally against the U.S. Naval Academy in the annual 安纳波利斯 Cup croquet match. 在圣达菲, the Search 和 Rescue team allows students to develop their backcountry skills 和 to contribute an important service to the region.

除了, students in 圣达菲 take advantage of hiking trails that begin from the college campus, skiing in the 圣达菲 Ski Basin 和 Taos Ski Valley, camping in the nearby 圣达菲 National Forest, 和 many cultural attractions of the town of 圣达菲. Students in 安纳波利斯 explore the adjacent waters, enjoy life on the town’s lively waterfront, 和 visit the nearby cities of Baltimore 和 Washington, DC. Both campuses also offer students a variety of opportunities to become involved in the life of the local community.

A Diverse Student Body

St. 约翰的 typically draws students from all 50 states 和 many foreign countries. The diverse backgrounds 和 experiences they bring to the college deepen 和 enrich their shared investigations. (见 profile of the freshman class.)

Academic Excellence 和 High Achievement

Statistics show that St. 约翰的大学 students excel in their endeavors both at the college 和 after graduation. Almost 70 percent of St. 约翰的毕业生 pursue advanced degrees—many enter the nation’s leading humanities, 科学, 业务, 法律, 和 medical programs. St. 约翰的大学 is in the top 2 percent of all colleges in the nation for alumni earning PhDs in the humanities, 和 in the top four percent for earning them in 科学 or engineering. (看到更多 排名.)

One of the many striking features of St. 约翰的大学, however, is that there is no typical St. 约翰的 graduate: St. 约翰的毕业生 pursue all manner of careers. They become authors, 酿酒师, 音乐家, 电影制作人, 老师, astrophysicists—whatever they choose!

A Preparation for Life

As students work in 和 across disciplines, wrestling with philosophic, 文学, 音乐的, 数学, 和 scientific texts, they acquire habits of mental flexibility 和 focus, develop their powers of intellect 和 imagination—和 so become effective problem solvers, 领导人, 思想家, 和 communicators. St. 约翰的大学 alumni span the globe as learners 和 领导人, as individuals passionate in their pursuit of truth.

St. 约翰的 is a coeducational, liberal arts college with no religious affiliation.

  • The college was founded in 1696 as King William’s School 和 chartered in 1784 as St. 约翰的大学 in 安纳波利斯, Maryl和.
  • A second campus opened in 1964 in 圣达菲, New Mexico.
  • The college’s first graduate program was founded in 1967 in 圣达菲.  



Bachelor of 艺术 (BA) degree in Liberal 艺术,两个校区


Master of 艺术 (MA) in Liberal 艺术,两个校区
Master of 艺术 (MA) in Eastern Classics只在圣达菲

Accreditation 和 Licensure

St. 约翰的大学 offers no programs leading to professional licensure.

St. 约翰的大学 in 安纳波利斯 is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges 和 Schools; St. 约翰的 in 圣达菲 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Additional information about St. 约翰的,包括 学生的结果, may be found on the College Navigator profile for 安纳波利斯College Navigator profile for 圣达菲.

查看St. 约翰的大学 accreditation 和 state approval documentation:
联系 president’s office on campus to make an appointment.

To file a complaint related to accreditation:
Submit a formal complaint to Middle States Association of Colleges 和 Schools 或者是 Higher Learning Commission.

To learn more about the complaint process f或者是 圣达菲 campus, the procedures are outlined in the appendix of the 圣达菲 Student H和book.

For those who have filed a complaint with St. 约翰的大学—using the procedures stated in the student h和book—but have been unable to resolve the complaint at the institutional level, they may 提交 a complaint to the appropriate St. 约翰的大学 state approval entity:

St. 约翰的 was named one of the 40 “Colleges That Change Lives”

St. 约翰的大学 is proud to be included in Colleges That Change Lives, a book written by Loren Pope 和 first published in 1996. The list of 40 schools features distinct institutions of higher learning that offer an alternative to traditional university education.